Nicest Thing to me.

Came across this particular story on Reddit couple days ago. I still have it open on my browser tab to remind myself who and what we are.

You don't need a lot of money to be happy. You need a big heart and be happy, content with yourself.

Sometime in 2011, one evening, we decided to go to the mall. After a while, our daughter is hungry. The poor girl wants food, and she wants it now.

With our daughter on my arm, I order some chinese and then go up to the register to pay. I hand them my card but it's not working. The card won't go through. I told them I am really sorry, but I don't have any other card on me. I can't take the food. As I proceed to leave, my daughter starts jumping on my arm. She wants food. She's hungry. Seeing that, the Mexican lady on the counter just hands me the tray and tells me not to worry. I keep insisting that's not necessary. But she won't budge.

I come back with the tray on the table. Tell my wife the whole thing. My wife reminds me about my card being expired and the new card in my wallet. I go back to pay for it, but now she won't take the money.

To this day I am greatful for what she did. We will never forget her kindness. And whenever we eat out, we always try our best to pay back the service the cook, server and everyone in between provides us.Whenever we go out to eat, both me and my wife always pile up all the plates, silverware in one place to make the server's life easy. Most of 'em always appreciates the gesture.

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