Turned Around

This particular one happened a while back and it has been on the back of my head for a while now. So here it is.

On my way to work, left the house a little after 8am. It is cold. As I go past a signal, I see a cop going the other way. I can clearly make out his look, the look that says 'Are you kidding me?' By now, I rode about 4 miles into my 11 miles commute. Can't feel my fingers especially on my right hand. Kinda surprised since usually it is the left hand that causes most grief. As I am approaching the next signal, I am thinking pretty soon I will be going close to 60mph and the windchill will drop even further for me. I might end up not being able to break safely at that point.

That's when I said hell with this. I am going back and working from home. Did you U-turn at the signal and headed home. Stopped at the gas station. After going inside, the right hand vein started to hurt and I feel it wanted to pop out. I also started to feel warm, like sweating warm.

Went home. Took my time to warm up while drinking coffee.

Lesson learned: get good gloves, and know your limit.

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