Sony Vaio VGN-FE880E & XP

It's been a while since I've posted anything. And I am truly sorry for that. Actually I've been going through a lot lately. Such as??!!

I just moved recently. It's really great to have a place, a room of my own & not share with anyone. It also sucks. Sometime I kinda wish if I had all the guys from the "Rugby House" around so I wouldn't feel so lonely. On the other hand, it gives me the time I need to focus on other things such as getting my certification out of the way.

Also, for the FIRST TIME in my life I got jumped recently. It was partially my fault because I was walking home at 11pm & txting my friend paying no attention to the my surroundings. All of a sudden this person jumped in front of me from a van, held a knife against my stomach & demanded money. We got in a little scuffle, I got out fine without paying him a dime. It's funny the way I reacted to the whole thing at that time. I could feel the knife against my stomach, but I wasn't thinking about that at all. First, I tried to ran from him, then I just stood there & talked to him. He did had an accomplice with him, a lady in a van that was blocking the whole thing from others by driving right next to us.

I was frustrated for next few days. I knew it was wrong, but I was mad, angry & I would look at everyone with extreme suspicion. But it wore off. Thanks to my hot neighbor who helped me get my mind of off it =). I did went out & got some self defense protection & pay a lot more attention while walking home.

On the other hand, I have been meaning to do some more detail posting here. Here are some of the things I have in mind:

1. I recently bought a Sony Vaio VGN-FE880E with Vista installed. I used Vista for less than a month & couldn't take it anymore. So, I rolled down to XP Pro. I thought I could just download all the drivers from Sony's website & good to go. Nope. Most of those drivers are only stupid Vista compatible so it won't work with XP Pro. So, I had to spend over 4 hours making each one work.

So, I plan to detail out the whole process for anyone wishing to rolled down to XP Pro.

2. I also plan to install Ubuntu 7.0 sometime & detail out that process as well. I haven't seen any reference for the VGN-FE880E on the web yet. If any of you've done it already or know of a site, please forward it to me. I would like to know as much as possible before doing this roll out.

3. This one is a little different. While running only a two mile today (it was getting dark & I'm still a little traumatized) I all of a sudden started thinking about the time I spent growing up praying to God asking for many many things. Anyway, I don't want to go on details now, but you may get the jest.

That is all for today. Have fun while you can.


Anonymous said...

It's about time you decide to show up sucka. Glad to hear you made it out alive and even got some "comfort" from the hot neighbor :-) Peace out brotha - Rich

Unknown said...

Buddy could you please explain me how I could get the drivers for XP. I also switched over to XP and I am using the same laptop.
Would you be kind enough to keep me posted on
Kind Regards