
What is your identity? How do you identify yourself? Is it your name on your ID card or passport, Is it your social security number or is it where you live? I am beginning to understand or more accurately contemplate on it since coming back from our weekend trip from VA.

Name, SSN, Location are all part of our identity. But I think our values, morals, ethics we have shapes us too. Granted, values, morals and ethics can change over time. Before I used to have certain believe about gays and lesbians, but not anymore. My moral stands have changed despite a different upbringing.

Identity is simply who you/I am as a person.

And a person discovers some of who he/she is as a child, as a teenager from their parents. Parents play a big role in shaping the child's future, giving him the strength to navigate and figure out who he is.

I came to realize just that after spending, listening to my sister-in-law over the weekend.