Just saying, you know...

Recently I saw a post on FB that went something like “I am gonna miss you Ramadan.” Immediately the question popped and I had to restrain myself from commenting….”What for?” Did you/your husband lose any weight, learned any lesson or did anything for the humanity, society or the planet you live in? Anything?

Hell, I might find that post and put it up here. And here it is:

The same way another friend related some Quran verses about the differences between mumin & munafiq. As I was reading the verse, I couldn’t help but think…I thought religion teaches you to be merciful, tolerant, and compassionate. But here is the word of God (Allah) himself saying how the believer will mock & laugh at the non-believer or the overtly devout.

So I guess when it’s another race/religion/gender it is OK to do so?

Religion is a tool. First and foremost, it is a tool to feel good about yourself. It is so easy to say something like Ramadan teaches you how the poor feels not being able to eat vs. actually feeling their pain & suffering. I wonder which one is more genuine.

 It is a tool to validate your thoughts/ideas/opinion against others without any factual backing. Ever notice how every single conversation/debate ends with ‘you just have to believe.’

Religion is also a tool to control an individual or a mass. Lazy but effective. What better & easier ways than saying ‘God says so’ to your wife, children or the whole damn country?