My usual browsing

I usually start my day with a big cup of tea, browsing on my laptop. First, I will check all my emails. I have three different email accounts & go thru 'em all. From there, I will check my bank accounts for any unexpected charges. After that I will spend about 30 minutes on my Google reader. I have subscribed to bunch of RSS feds but I usually read only the following ones:


Google News - Sci-Tech


From there I will usually spend the rest of the day on reddit & other sites reading on different topics. Amy winehouse checking into rehab or checking out doesn't interest me at all, I like reading about various science topics. With that said, I thought I would share some of the things I read/killed my times on this past weekend with either a brief description or my opinion.

1. Fish out of Water: Your Inner Fish: this is an interesting article. Basically it talks about the evolutionary transformation of mammal from fish & the limitation of our body. Then it presents five great examples to establish how we weren't designed but evolved.

2. The Repeater: the New York Times presents this opinion on how evolution repeats traits in different environment at the genetic level as well. It asks an awesome questions of multiple earths all beginning at the same time. Will we see different or similar organisms on each planet?

3. Venus & Jupiter in the morning

4. Top 10 Horror Movies of All Time: I remember watching Evil Dead 2 with my roommate. Funny, he couldn't sleep the next two nights. I loved it. An American Werewolf in London, remember vaguely since I saw it as a kid. Halloween, Jaws & The Exorcist are all awesome. After watching The Shining, every time I would feel light-headed. It's weired but always fun. I think it's fun to watch that movie when you are stuck home & office/school has been canceled due to heavy snow.

5. Evolution: Education and Outreach: this is actually a lot of articles put together by different authors. I am still going through 'em.

6. Do you understand evolutionary tree?: as the name says, this is part one. I came across this article on reddit. Great one & waiting for rest of the parts.

7. When the world's great scientific thinkers change their minds: My favorite of course is number 2, Steven Pinker. I remember reading the actual article he's referring to when he talked about we (human) have stopped evolving. Now to see him come out & say that ain't so, is fascinating. I also like number 3 & 8.

8. Tesla: The greatest hacker of all time: I am familiar with the name Teslar & his contribution. But I wasn't aware of his experiment in Col. Springs. It was simply great to read about it.

Well, there you have it. These are the things I have been wasting my time on this past weekend. Now, do not forget today is Darwin Day.

Happy Darwin Day to you all.

Well, if all these reading really got you bored here's something to cheer you up =)